
Posted by & filed under Scott's Plumbing Tips!

There are lots of different wet wipes on the market today. It started with baby wipes, as a convenient way to clean a baby’s bottom. Now there are wet wipes for adults, too. Companies encourage consumers to use these wipes in addition to regular toilet for a fresher, cleaner experience. Many of these brands claim… Read more »

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For many homeowners, “out of sight, out of mind” describes how they feel about their home’s plumbing. That is, until problems arise or a sudden plumbing emergency strikes. It’s always better to be in the know than to be caught off guard. Here are the top five things you should know about your home’s plumbing… Read more »

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Unlike city water, private well water doesn’t benefit from filtration and disinfection before it reaches your home. Well water doesn’t need to meet certain standards set out for public water supplies, either – but, of course, you’ll still want to make sure your drinking water is clean and safe to drink. To eliminate common well… Read more »